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There are 8 item(s) tagged with the keyword "E-cigarettes".

1. Kids and E-Cigarette Liquids: Keeping Watch During the Holidays and Beyond

By Xinran Cui Dhaliwal, MPH | December 17, 2018

If your holidays are anything like mine, then they are full of family reunions and house hopping. My daughter, one and a half, loves it! New places to check out, great food, hugs and kisses from all the doting adults.

I’m not a helicopter mom, so I don’t really sweat the non-baby proof houses, and there is no limit on sugar. If people want to treat her to some sweets and cookies, that’s fine. She eats well at home.

But I did sweat a little when I came across news about poison control centers handling cases of exposure to e-cigarette devices and liquids.

Tags: Flavored tobacco products, Young children, Children, E-cigarettes

2. A Picture Is Worth a Lot of Words: E-Cigarette Marketing to Children and Youth

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES | November 27, 2018

You probably already know that flavored tobacco and e-cigarettes pose a unique and compelling danger to children and youth. You’ve paid attention to the headlines. You’ve read the articles and reports. You’ve been astonished at the troubling statistics showing how these products are fueling increases in tobacco use among youth.

That was certainly true for me. Then I helped out in a photoshoot of flavored tobacco and e-cigarette products. 

Tags: Adolescent health, Flavored tobacco products, E-cigarettes, Tobacco prevention
By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

3. Youth E-Cigarette Use and School Connectedness

By Xinran Cui Dhaliwal, MPH | March 20, 2018

Health promotion must take a multifaceted approach. It is the only path to success. This is one of my core beliefs.

It’s also something that resonated deeply for me at ETR’s recent All Staff Retreat—my first. When you meet everyone in this organization in one room at one time, you are struck by the fact that ETR staffers work in so many diverse areas of public health research and practice.

Tags: Social determinants of health, Health Equity Framework, Tobacco prevention, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, School connectedness, Vaping

4. Wake Up: An E-Cigarette Prevention Campaign That Worked

By April Roeseler, BSN, MSPH | August 31, 2017
Branch Chief, California Tobacco Control Network

Are e-cigarettes really harmful to youth? Yes. Last year’s Surgeon General Report E-Cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults confirms that this is a “major public health concern.” Younger brains are more susceptible to addiction, and e-cigarette use may open the door to other addictions, including conventional cigarettes and illicit drugs. Exposure to nicotine while young may interfere with brain development with resulting negative effects on cognition, memory and attention.

Tags: media campaign, Vaping, E-cigarettes, tobacco prevention, nicotine

5. Déjà Vu: Big Tobacco Recruits!

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA | June 2, 2015

“Nicotine is not addictive,” tobacco executives said in 1994, testifying before Congress in what are now known as the Waxman Hearings. They said this repeatedly, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary from authorities all the way up to the U.S. Surgeon General.

Over 20 years later, we have 20 more years worth of scientific evidence demonstrating that nicotine is addictive and harmful. We know these products are killing people in all kinds of ways, from direct smoking, to secondhand smoke exposure and even thirdhand smoke (the residual nicotine and other chemicals that remain on people and indoor surfaces—hair, skin, clothes, counters, furniture, drapes, bedding and more).

So what are tobacco companies telling us now that e-cigarettes are on the scene?

Tags: Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Second-hand smoke
By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

6. Video Picks - Women & Tech, Vaping & Health

By ETR | December 15, 2014

Check out a couple of our favorites from the videos that have crossed our screens recently. The first inspires us to boost leadership roles for women in technology. The second gives us the true scoop about e-cigarettes and health.

Well worth watching!

Tags: Technology, Gender, E-cigarettes

7. Now in Spanish: Our Popular Vaping Pamphlet

By ETR | November 30, 2014

ETR is thrilled with the response to our new pamphlet on e-cigarettes: “E-Cigarettes: 10 Things to Know About Vaping.” In an effort to reach even more people with the facts about e-cigarettes, we now offer this National Health Information Award-winning title in Spanish.

With studies showing the use of e-cigarettes growing rapidly among all age groups, there’s a real need for clear information about these products.

Tags: E-cigarettes, ETR

8. Video Picks - June 2014


Does Physical Education help with academics? What's the world of vaping really like? And just how important is social media? Sit back, kick up your feet and take a look at a few of our favorites among the videos that have run across our monitors this month.

Tags: Social media, Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Fitness

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