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Education for Mind, Body & Spirit


Session 7: The Skills and Wills to Make my Own Choice

Session Overview

Youth will learn attitudes and skills that support sexual health through listening to a teen parent, establishing safer sex guidelines, and role playing refusal and negotiation skills.

Activity 1: Opening Ritual and Review

At the start of the session, group members will be able to recall key highlights from Session 6.

Activity 2: STDs and Unplanned Pregnancy Review

At the end of the session, group members will better understand STDs and unplanned pregnancy..

Activity 3: Teen Parent Speaker: The Life Experiences and Consequences

At the end of the session, group members will be able to discuss how being a teen parent can change a person’s life.

Activity 4: Keeping my Values: My Safer Sex Guidelines

At the end of the session, group members will have established their own guidelines that they will follow to ensure they stay safe and healthy.

Activity 5: Sticking to my Decision Roleplay

By the end of the session, group members will be able to demonstrate ways to communicate assertively, using selected verbal and nonverbal techniques.

Activity 6: Wrap-Up and Closing Ritual

By the end of the session, group members will be able to summarize key points from the day’s activities.