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Education for Mind, Body & Spirit


Session 5: Communicating for a Healthier You

Session Overview

Group members will learn communication and negotiation skills to assist in carrying out responsible decisions.

Activity 1: Opening Ritual and Review

At the start of the session, group members will be able to recall key highlights from Session 4.

Activity 2: SPIRIT Decision-Making Model: I+T Identifying one and Try it out and Take Action

By the end of the session, group members will be able to demonstrate the last 2 steps of the SPIRIT Decision Making Model.

Activity 3A: Reading Cues: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

By the end of the session, group members will be able to demonstrate nonverbal communication.

Activity 3B: Telephone Game

By the end of the session, group members will be able to identify what can happen to messages that are passed from person to person.

Activity 3C: Wot did U say?

By the end of the session, group members will understand how important it is to be clear with your message when communicating with others.

Activity 4: Assert Yourself: How We Communicate Makes a Difference

By the end of the session, group members will be able to demonstrate and distinguish aggressive, assertive, and nonassertive communication styles.

Activity 5: Sex: A Decision for Two

By the end of the session, group members will be able to describe ways to improve communication as a way to help avoid compromising situations.

Activity 6: Wrap-Up and Closing Ritual

By the end of the session, group members will be able to summarize key points from the day’s activities.