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Education for Mind, Body & Spirit


Youth and Parent Session

Activity 1: Introduction to Respecting the Circle of Life with Youth and Parents

This activity will familiarize parents/trusted adults with the agenda for the session, increase safety for discussion and increase understanding of the Respecting the Circle of Life with Youth and Parents program.

Activity 2: Sexual Health 101

Parents/trusted adults will increase their knowledge of basic facts about teen pregnancy, STDs/HIV, prevention and testing. They will have an increased awareness of risk factors associated with unplanned pregnancy and STDs among Native youth.

Activity 3: Respecting the Circle of Life with Youth and Parents Video

Parents/trusted adults and youth will increase their mutual understanding of:

  • Effective and non-effective communication strategies.
  • The pressures that exist for parents/trusted adults as their youth grow toward more independence.
  • The perceived risk of pregnancy and STDs for youth.

Activity 4: Effective Communication

Parents/trusted adults will understand the importance of communicating with and monitoring their youth.

Activity 5: Condom Demonstration

Parent/trusted adults will learn correct condom use skills by observation and practice.

Activity 6: Talking with Your Youth Roleplays

Parents/trusted adults and youth will increase and enhance skills for communication around the topics of healthy decision making and sexuality.

Activity 7: Making Dreams Come True: Goal Setting

Parents/trusted adults and youth will discuss goal setting and how to support each other in achieving goals.

Activity 8: Ending the session

Parents/trusted adults will be guided to sustain the information learned in the session using resources in the community.