Program Evaluation Toolkit for Harm Reduction Organizations

Module 4

Module 4
Doing Your Evaluation

Once you develop your program evaluation plan, the next step is to put that plan in motion! As we covered in Module 3, having a written evaluation plan in place provides your program and evaluation teams with a roadmap for how your evaluation will be carried out, how both the program and evaluation teams will contribute to the process, what data is needed, and how the results of your evaluation will be utilized. In this module, we will take a deeper dive into the data collection process, specifically focusing on strategies that can be used to collect and analyze the data, allowing you to draw meaningful conclusions about your harm reduction program activities.

A flowchart with four steps that use arrows to flow in a counter-clockwise circle. The step at the top is called 'Your Harm Reduction Program', which leads to 'Data Sources', which leads to 'Data Collection', which leads to 'Data Analysis,' which leads back to the top. 'Data Collection' has two branches leading off of it labeled 'Qualitative Data' and 'Quantitative Data'. 'Data Analysis' has two branches leading off of it labeled 'Qualitative Analysis' and 'Quantitative Analysis'.

Adapted from the NMAC Program Evaluation Tool