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ETR’s HealthSmart Earns Certification for LTI 1.3
Certification helps save partners time and money on new implementations
For Immediate Release: 4/20/23
DATELINE – ETR recently earned the 1EdTech™ certification for Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) 1.3 for its skills-based K-12 health education curriculum HealthSmart
The certification signals HealthSmart is proven to fit easily into digital ecosystems, saving our partners time and money they may spend otherwise on custom integrations.
An LTI 1.3 integration allows for a seamless and more secure single sign-on (SSO) process from a learning management system (LMS) into a learning application. This makes it easier for educators and learners to access various tools and applications without having to remember multiple logins.
HealthSmart is a flexible and customizable skills-based health education curriculum, comprised of over 400 lessons, allowing school districts the autonomy for local decision making to ensure all lessons align to state and local policies. Schools can select their lesson plans, opt out of any specific content that does not meet their needs, and feel confident that they are providing high-quality education to the students in their community.
“Our certified support of this standard dramatically improves the educator and student experience. It gives technology implementers in school districts confidence that our application will easily integrate with their learning systems. Combined, this allows us to achieve our mission goal to reduce educational disparities by allowing more educators --and therefore more students-- access to high-quality, skills-based health education and the control they need to implement it in a way that fits the unique needs of their community.”- Eric Blanke, Chief Operating Officer, ETR
In addition, LTI 1.3 provides a foundation for the growing selection of LTI Advantage services that enable a fully integrated, context-responsive digital ecosystem. These features include:
- Name and Role Provisioning Service allows a product to share a list of course participants and faculty to different learning tools.
- The Assignment and Grade Service enables the passing of assignments and results between the tool and the LMS.
- Deep Linking enables a faster and more intuitive way to add content and links to a platform from a learning tool or publisher.
“I’d like to congratulate ETR on their leadership enabling an open, trusted and innovative edtech ecosystem through participation in 1EdTech,” said Dr. Rob Abel, 1EdTech CEO. “Achieving 1EdTech certification for LTI 1.3 signals a commitment to putting teachers and students first by streamlining and securing access to the digital learning tools, so they can focus on learning.”
All Student Materials Now Available in Spanish!

While our take-home family activity sheets have long been provided in both English and Spanish, now all HealthSmart student-facing materials have a Spanish version. For the 23/24 school year, all Student Workbooks, slides and masters that are handed out to students are available in both languages.
Separate Spanish Student Workbooks are available with the print edition of HealthSmart for Grades 3-5, Middle and High School. With the standard digital format, the teacher can preview and print or download all activity sheets for students in English or Spanish. The integrated digital format, which works with the school or district’s learning management system, has a toggle feature so that teachers can assign an activity sheet in English, in Spanish, or give students the option to see the assignment in both languages and be able to switch between them, which can be particularly helpful for ELL students.

Third Edition of HealthSmart Middle and High School
The latest revision of HealthSmart for the middle and high school levels continues to focus on the essential concepts and skills students need to know and practice to adopt healthy behaviors, and the lessons and activities are tailored to the developmental capabilities of students at each grade level.
- All lessons have been reviewed for medical accuracy and up-to-date content.
- New lessons have been added on social media and emotional health, opioids, affirmative consent and sexual abuse prevention.
- Tobacco lessons have been revised to include and emphasize risks of vaping.
- Engaging PowerPoint slides are provided for every lesson to convey key concepts, enhance discussions and guide group activities.
- Student journal pages have been incorporated into Student Workbooks for personal reflection, guided lecture notes and group activities. Journal pages list important health terms for each lesson, and the Student Workbook now includes a full Health Terms Glossary.
- Language has been reviewed to reflect and promote inclusivity and support a trauma-informed approach.
Educators who purchase HealthSmart continue to have access to the HealthSmart Teacher Support Website that features a wealth of free digital resources.
[See the correlation to the previous edition for Middle School (Opens in new tab) and High School (Opens in new tab).]