Identify reasons why abstinence is a healthy choice for teens.
Identify links between abstinence and goals.
Practice and demonstrate refusal skills relating to abstinence.
Explain the relationship between drug and alcohol use and abstinence.
Connecting the Lessons
Builds on Lesson 7.5: Deciding About Sexual Behavior.
Planning ahead: Concepts learned in this lesson will be useful for Lesson 7.7: Introduction to Sexually Transmitted Infections and Lesson 7.8: Introduction to Protection Methods.
SEL Skills Addressed
Relationship skills
Responsible decision making
Logic Model Determinant(s)
Increase awareness of delaying sex as the healthiest choice.
Address values around abstinence and sex.
Address perceptions of peer norms regarding sexual behavior.
Increase self-efficacy of SEL skills to delay and /or refuse sex.
Increase communication with parents and other caring adults.
Increase knowledge of how drugs and alcohol can affect decision making around sexual behavior.