Training of Educators (TOE)

ETR's Training & TA Services

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ETR provides research-based trainings that employ the key components required for implementation to occur, including learner engagement, modeling and practice of skills and follow-up support.

ETR trainers use interactive learning activities designed to prepare educators and practitioners for implementing a evidence-based or promising program with fidelity. Each participant will engage in a learning process which includes pre-work, a pre-assessment, an in-person skill-development session and follow-up support.

NOTE: ETR is offering our Training of Educators in a virtual format only at this time. The virtual training addresses both in-person and online implementation of the program and our trainers will model the virtual delivery of activities. View the Training Calendar to see the full schedule of virtual TOEs available at this time.

ETR requires a minimum of 10 participants to conduct any onsite TOE. Below is a list of the curricula and programs for which ETR can offer onsite and regional trainings and follow-up support once it is safe to do so.

Training of Educator (TOE) Offerings

Evidence-Based Programs

3-Day Training with follow-up support

3-Day Training with follow-up support

Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART)
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Be Proud! Be Responsible! 
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Draw the Line/Respect the Line (DTL/RTL)
3-Day Training with follow-up support

Making a Difference!
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Making Proud Choices!
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Promoting Health Among Teens! Abstinence Only
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Promoting Health Among Teens! Comprehensive
2-Day Training with follow-up support

Reducing the Risk (RTR)
3-Day Training with follow-up support

Respecting the Circle of Life
Online, Self-Paced Training comes with the program

Safer Choices
3-Day Training with follow-up support

(Please note: TOE information for Get Real can be found under the Training & TA tab on the Get Real program page)

Evidence-Informed Programs

To learn more about this K–12 evidence-informed comprehensive health education program, click here.


In addition to the programs listed here, ETR can customize our research-based TOEs for other evidence-based and promising programs. For more information, contact one of our training experts through our Program Support Help Desk.

Adaptation Training & Technical Assistance

Adaptation Training and TA build the knowledge and skills needed to making accurate and appropriate adaptions for selected EBPs, without compromising the core components of the EBP. Adaptation is defined as making changes, additions, deletions, or substitutions to an EBP in order to make it more suitable for a particular population and/or an organization's capacity. This guidance is provided in a condensed form during all EBP TOEs.

TOE Booster

A TOE Booster is a critical follow-up session intended to assist implementers with identifying and breaking through implementation barriers, strengthening implementation skills, and networking with colleagues through professional learning networks.

For more information, contact one of our training experts through our Program Support Help Desk.