All4You! is a program to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy among students in grades 9–12 in alternative education settings. It was designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors and specifically developed for use in alternative schools serving youth ages 14–18. The program also aims to change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs and perceived norms. It consists of 9 skills-based classroom lessons and 5 service-learning visits in the community.
Category | Program Features |
Setting | Alternative school based |
Program Length | 26 hours/year | 1 year 14 sessions total |
Age Group | Ages 14–18 |
Look Inside |
Overview | Description | Population | Author | Who's Using
All4You! is a program to prevent HIV, other STD and pregnancy among students in grades 9-12 in alternative education settings.
All4You! was designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors associated with HIV, other STD and unintended pregnancy. It was specifically developed for use in alternative schools serving youth ages 14–18.
The primary goal of All4You! is to reduce the number of students who have unprotected sexual intercourse, which is associated with increased risk of HIV, other STD and unplanned pregnancy. The program also aims to change key determinants related to sexual risk taking, such as attitudes, beliefs and perceived norms.
The program consists of two primary instructional components:
These are integrated and delivered as a 14-session program (about 26 hours total). This combination of strategies is used because both have been shown to reduce sexual risk taking behaviors and related determinants (Kirby, 2007). The combination addresses a broader range of potential determinants—both sexual (e.g., attitudes and beliefs regarding condom use) and non-sexual (e.g., optimism and hope for the future)—than either approach alone.
All4You! is delivered through mini-lectures, brainstorming, games, small-group work, role-plays, guest speakers, videos, reflection activities, and service learning visits.
All4You! is primarily for youth ages 14–18 in alternative school settings.
Karin K. Coyle, PhD, is Senior Research Scientist at ETR , Watsonville, California, where she serves as the lead investigator on a number of research and evaluation projects. She specializes in the development and evaluation of health promotion programs, particularly HIV, other STD and pregnancy prevention programs.
Over the past 15 years she has co-authored four research-based programs (Safer Choices, Draw the Line/Respect the Line, All4You!, and All4You2!), and has served as a principal or co-principal investigator on a number of school-based randomized trials to test the effectiveness of HIV, other STD and pregnancy prevention programs for youth.
Her current work focuses on adolescent relationships and their influence on sexual risk behavior and HIV and STI risk. She is the author of numerous professional articles in the field of health and sexuality education research.
ETR's effective, award-winning, evidence-based resources are used by schools, departments of education, youth groups, government agencies and clinics nationwide.
Some of the sites that have purchased All4You! include:
Length | Elements | Staffing | Notification
The program consists of 14 sessions and a pre-session to prepare for implementation. The program is about 26 hours total.
Sessions should be scheduled 2 to 3 times per week.
The All4You! Basic Set includes the teacher’s guide in a 3-ring binder that includes an informative introduction, full set of teacher instructions, teacher background materials, and appendixes with additional background information; student workbooks and required pamphlets (STD Facts for Teens and Birth Control Facts for Teens) for one classroom of 30 students; and a DVD on STD.
Student workbooks are required for every student. Additional classroom workbook sets of 5 and 30 are available.
An optional LGBTQ Supplement helps teachers build a supportive environment for LBGTQ students. It includes a lesson that can be taught before implementing the intervention as well as suggestions for acceptable adaptations to make program activities more inclusive of LGBTQ youth.
An enhanced set of materials is also available that includes supplemental materials to augment student learning, including DVDs, pamphlets and posters. The enhanced set includes the LGBTQ Supplement.
ETR also provides free downloads of pre- and post-tests and Adaptation Tools.
This curriculum can be used by either classroom teachers or community-based educators, with participation of the classroom teacher during service learning visits. Individuals implementing All4You! should be knowledgeable about the content, be comfortable discussing the material and answering sensitive questions about sexual risk taking, have experience using interactive teaching strategies such as roleplaying, have good rapport with youth, and, ideally, have experience using service learning with youth. Ideally, all educators implementing the program should be trained on its contents and teaching strategies.
Peer leaders are also used to facilitate some of the activities.
It is essential to inform parents and guardians regarding the nature and scheduling of this or any sexual health education program. Prior to implementation of the curriculum, families should receive written notice describing the goals of All4You! and the nature of the content to be covered. Parents also should be given an opportunity to view the curriculum and related materials if they wish. The vast majority of parents want their children to receive appropriate instruction and be given the information and skills they need to protect their sexual health, but parents/guardians also must be allowed the chance to opt out or exclude their children from participating in the program, if they wish.
Theory | Logic Model | Evidence Summary | References
All4You! is based on Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Development Theory, all of which have been used in other evidence-based prevention programs.
Key content covered by the program consists of:
The program logic model can be found here:
Logic Model (pdf)
The initial All4You! study was implemented during 2000-2001, with data collection follow-up extending through 2003 for the last cohort of youth enrolled in the study. The evaluation featured a randomized trial involving 24 alternative schools (specifically community day schools) located in 4 large urban areas with diverse populations in Northern California. Schools ranged in size from approximately 12 to 62 students, with an average enrollment of 28 students. Thirteen of the schools were randomly assigned to receive the All4You! intervention. The remaining 11 schools served as control sites.
To assess the effectiveness of the intervention, paper-pencil self-report surveys were collected from students four times during the study period: baseline, and 6, 12, and 18 months after baseline.
In general, youth receiving All4You! reduced the frequency of unprotected sex, reduced the frequency of sex and increased their use of condoms (Coyle et al., 2006) at the initial follow-up.
Six months after the baseline survey:
Adaptation Guidelines | Other Tools | Pre/Post Tests | Policy
ETR is a leader in developing adaptation guidelines to enable professionals to adapt evidence-based intervention programs for implementation in underserved communities, while maintaining fidelity to the intervention's core components. To produce the best adaptation tools, ETR works directly with the developer of each intervention to ensure that these tools are of the highest quality and meet the different needs of the field and end users, e.g., teachers, trainers, program mangers/staff, research teams, and funders.
Click the links below to view adaptation Guidelines for All4You!
Adaptation Green/Yellow/Red Guidelines (pdf)
Core Components (pdf)
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions about program adaptations, please visit our Program Support Help Desk.
Read ETR's Adaptations Policy.
ETR also produces other tools to facilitate implementation. Click the link to view.
Fidelity Log (pdf)
Classroom teachers can use pre/post tests to examine whether short-term knowledge learning objectives have been met. A simple pretest-posttest assessment design can be used to measure pre-instruction levels and post-instruction changes in student learning.
Your ability to detect student change using this survey may vary and can be affected by numerous factors (e.g., number and content of lessons students receive, student scores at pretest, student motivation and interest in topic and survey, etc.) Improvement on the All4You! Knowledge Survey between pretest and posttest can be viewed as supportive, but not definitive, evidence of the curriculum's impact on short-term knowledge learning objectives. A well-designed evaluation study (e.g., using a strong experimental design with a well-matched comparison group and adequate sample size) with more extensive measurement would be needed to provide stronger evidence of curriculum impact.
Survey (pdf)
Survey Answer Key (pdf)
For over 30 years, ETR has been building the capacity of community-based organizations, schools, school districts, and state, county and local agencies in all 50 states and 7 U.S. territories to implement and replicate evidenced-based programs (EBPs) to prevent teen pregnancy, STD/STI and HIV. Our nationally recognized training and research teams work in partnership with clients to customize training and technical assistance (TA) to address the needs of their agencies and funding requirements.
Educators interested in implementing All4You! should be skilled in using interactive teaching methods and guiding group discussions. It is highly recommended that educators who plan to teach All4You! receive research-based professional development to prepare them to effectively implement and replicate the curriculum with fidelity for the intended target group.
Training on All4You! is available through ETR's Professional Learning Services. Training options include:
ETR provides in-person and web- or phone-based TA before, during and/or after program implementation. TA is tailored to the needs of the site and is designed to support quality assurance, trouble-shoot adaptation issues, and boost implementation.
To support a holistic approach to teen pregnancy and HIV prevention programs, ETR offers a number of additional training and technical assistance opportunities, including content-specific workshops, skill-based trainings, organizational development consultation and much more. To learn more about these opportunities, visit our Training & TA pages >>
Adaptation suppport materials, training and/or TA are available to assist educators in meeting the needs of individual communities by implementing EBPs effectively and consistently with core components. All adaptation support is based on ETR's groundbreaking, widely disseminated adaptation guidelines and kits for effective adaptations.
ETR also provides evaluation support for EBP implementation. ETR uses well-established tools for measuring fidelity and outcomes. ETR's evaluation support blends participatory approaches with cutting-edge evaluation science. Services address process and outcome evaluation and include assistance with evaluation planning, instrument design and development, implementation fidelity, data management and analysis, performance measurement, continuous quality improvement (CQI) protocols, and effective tools and strategies for reporting results.
Pricing Packages | Product Budget Calculator
(contains everything needed to teach with fidelity)
(includes additional materials to enhance learning)