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Smokefree Health Care Centers & Cessation Referrals

CEH works directly with health care decision makers to expand smokefree indoor policies to a 100% smokefree campus wide policy.

Smokefree healthcare campus policies: support employee and patient tobacco cessation efforts, protect the community from secondhand smoke exposure, demonstrate a commitment to health, reduce tobacco litter on the property.

We also work with healthcare centers to integrate Kick It California’s free tobacco cessation referrals into electronic health record systems. Providers who make e-referrals will receive email updates on their patients’ progress so they can better support them in quitting. Patients who are referred will work directly with a trained cessation specialist from Kick It California to create a customized, science-based quit plan and receive check-ins at key points to help them stay motivated.

CEH offers FREE assistance with:

  • Training healthcare staff on Kick It California’s referral system
  • Working with decision makers to adopt smokefree policies
  • Sample smokefree property language
  • Sample cessation referral policy language

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of a smokefree healthcare campus or assistance integrating KIC’s cessation referrals, please email Caitlyn Zepeda at, or call 831-440-2299.

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