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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can CEH help me with?
    If you are seeking help with drifting secondhand smoke or need help connecting with tobacco quit programs, please give us a call or send us an email. We primarily work in Amador, Placer, Yolo, and Tehama counties, but will know the right people to connect you with even if you are outside of our areas of work.
  • Is there a cost to use CEH services?
    All of the services CEH provides are completely free to community members, property managers, and healthcare centers. We receive funding from the California Department of Public Health to be able to help you for free.
  • What can I do if my neighbor’s smoke is bothering me?
    If your neighbor’s smoke is bothering you, please reach out to our team so we can assist you. We have free resources to help tenants and property managers who are being affected by drifting secondhand smoke and will work with you one-on-one to come up with a plan you feel comfortable with.
  • How can I request indoor air monitoring?
    To request indoor air monitoring, please reach out to We will set up an introductory call to learn more about your specific situation and coordinate a time to install the air monitors.
  • Can my healthcare facility order brochures and educational materials for cessation?
    Yes! You can order free educational materials through Kick It California or by contacting our Communities Energized for Health team. CEH can also provide healthcare centers with free quit kits to promote patient quit attempts. Just email or call us!
  • How is this project funded?
    Communities Energized for Health is funded by the California Department of Public Health under contract number 20-10379.



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