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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

From Health Consciousness to Promotion: Honoring Health Equity
October 14, 2021

From Health Consciousness to Promotion: Honoring Health Equity

By Michael Everett, MHS, EdD | October 14, 2021
Chief People and Culture Officer, ETR

What is the cause of the great Health Literacy divide and disconnect between academic research and the communities that are often times the focus of such research? As we recognize Health Literacy Month this year, let’s explore health equity through the journey from health consciousness to health promotion. As we seek out ways to improve the accessibility of research, resources, and ultimately our health messaging, we must also focus on centering our communities and challenging old paradigms that perpetuate narratives of shame over strength.

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Sexually Explicit Media and Young People's Sexual Health Outcomes: Kirby Summit 2021 Findings
September 2, 2021

Sexually Explicit Media and Young People's Sexual Health Outcomes: Kirby Summit 2021 Findings

By Amy Peterson, PhD | September 2, 2021
Senior Research Associate, ETR

Our 2021 Kirby Summit explored the relationship between sexually explicit media (SEM), like pornography, and young people's sexual health outcomes (including attitudes and behaviors). Here is what we learned in our research, including listening sessions and literature review.

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Meet Eli: The first chatbot to address teen dating violence in Honduras // Conoce a Eli: El primer chatbot para abordar la violencia en el noviazgo de adolescentes en Honduras
July 26, 2021

Meet Eli: The first chatbot to address teen dating violence in Honduras // Conoce a Eli: el primer chatbot para abordar la violencia en las parejas adolescentes en Honduras

By Rebecca Braun and Emma Schlamm | July 26, 2021
Lead, YTH Initiative, ETR and Program Coordinator, YTH Initiative, ETR

The YTH Initiative is thrilled to announce the launch of a ZonaSegura chatbot! Meet Eli - the first and only trauma-informed, English and Spanish-language chatbot co-designed by youth to navigate and prevent teen dating violence in Honduras. With funding from the Crisis Response and Prevention Initiative, Eli was built to address a need for real-time, two-way support for violence prevention and crisis response, identified through an impact evaluation of the initial ZonaSegura intervention implemented in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Given the recent rise in gender-based violence both in Honduras and globally, due in part to the COVID-19 lockdowns, a tool like Eli could not be more timely.

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Towards Mental Health Liberation: In Conversation with Yolo Akili Robinson
July 14, 2021

Towards Mental Health Liberation: In Conversation with Yolo Akili Robinson

By Vignetta Charles, PhD and Yolo Akili Robinson | July 14, 2021
Chief Executive Officer, ETR and Chief Executive Officer/Founder, BEAM

In this conversation, ETR’s CEO Vignetta Charles is joined by Yolo Akili Robinson, Founder & CEO of Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM), to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health services, the need for reimagining and redefining mental health interventions, and the push for reclaiming this month as “Mental Health Liberation Month.”

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National HIV Testing Day: 25 Years Later
June 22, 2021

National HIV Testing Day: 25 Years Later

By Eddie Givens | June 22, 2021
Guest Writer, Community Member and Activist

Eddie Givens shares his reflections on the history of HIV Testing Day and the AIDS epidemic, highlighting the importance of HIV education, health equity, and ensuring accessible testing in every community.

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ETR Turns 40 Years Young
June 3, 2021

ETR Turns 40 Years Young

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | June 3, 2021
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

Milestone birthdays that are associated with middle age can also be associated with a youthful time of awakening. We can say the same about ETR—we’re celebrating our 40th! We are entering our middle age with the wisdom that comes from four decades, while also awakening a new phase for us with the excitement and curiosity and rapid change of adolescence.

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Talking About Disparities in Ways That Promote Equity
May 19, 2021

Talking About Disparities in Ways That Promote Equity

By Wendy Kaplan, MPH | May 19, 2021
Former ATOD Program Manager, ETR

One of the projects I work on at ETR is the Tobacco Education Clearinghouse of California (TECC). I have the pleasure of working with organizations throughout the state of California doing their part to end tobacco-related health disparities. One of the ways we do this is through the creation of educational materials that provide information to specific audiences on a wide range of topics.

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Tags: Equity, Health education, TECC, Health equity, Tobacco, ATOD
Exploring the Availability of Title IX Information on K-12 District Websites
May 14, 2021

Exploring the Availability of Title IX Information on K-12 District Websites

By John Shields, PhD, MSW | May 14, 2021
Senior Research Scientist, ETR

How well are K-12 schools doing in implementing Title IX regulations? ETR’s K12T9 Initiative conducted an analysis of 100 randomly selected regular public school district websites from the 19,406 districts downloaded from the US Department of Education to research more into the availability of Title IX information on district websites -- and here is what we found.

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"I have to be very careful about what I say": How Canadian Teachers Describe Delivering a Controversial Comprehensive Sex-Education Curriculum
May 10, 2021

"I have to be very careful about what I say": How Canadian Teachers Describe Delivering a Controversial Comprehensive Sex-Education Curriculum

By Melissa Perri, Sarah Flicker, Adrian Guta, and Marilou Gagnon | May 10, 2021
Social and Behavioural Health Sciences, Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto

Internationally, comprehensive sex-ed programs have garnered promising results. Ontario, Canada’s largest province, recently implemented a new, responsive and controversial provincial sex-ed curriculum. An interdisciplinary team of public health, sociology and education scholars collaborated to learn more about the implementation challenges faced by health and physical education teachers. We sought to gain feedback on how recent curricular changes have altered the ease and effectiveness of delivery and get educators’ opinions on recommendations for improving future sex-ed curricula changes. 

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Social Media and Emotional Health: 6 Ways Technology Can Both Support and Undermine Adolescent Mental Health
May 5, 2021

Social Media and Emotional Health: 6 Ways Technology Can Both Support and Undermine Adolescent Mental Health

By Lauren Ranalli, MPH | May 5, 2021
Director of Marketing and Communications, ETR

When it comes to social media and mental health, it’s common to first think about the negative link between the two. However, social media can also provide a great benefit to adolescents and young adults, especially when it comes to connecting with friends and family or staying up to date on current events. Learn more about how educators, health care providers, and youth-serving professionals can support young people in having a healthy relationship with social media.

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May the 4th: Star Wars and the Evolution of Diversity and Inclusion
May 4, 2021

May the 4th: Star Wars and the Evolution of Diversity and Inclusion

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | May 4, 2021
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

It was a lazy Sunday, and we were watching Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. My 10-year-old, like every other kid his age, is always looking to see themselves represented in the content we consume. He turned to me and asked, “Why aren’t there that many diverse people in this Star Wars movie?”

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STD or STI? Making a Difference with Sexual Health Education
April 14, 2021

STD or STI? Making a Difference with Sexual Health Education

By Laura Perkins, MLS, and Suzanne Schrag, BA | April 14, 2021
Health Literacy Editor and Product Manager/Editor, ETR

For years, there’s been a debate in the public health community over whether to use the term "STD" or "STI" in patient education materials. Some leading authoritative organizations continue to use STD, but many organizations have switched to using STI, or to using both terms. We explore various perspectives on this topic from different sexual health educators around the country.

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5 Things to Include in Your STI/STD Health Lesson
March 22, 2021

5 Things to Include in Your STI/STD Health Lesson

By Lauren Ranalli, MPH | March 22, 2021
Director of Marketing and Communications, ETR

Educators play a critical role in providing young people with accurate, inclusive information on sexually transmitted infections, or sexually transmitted diseases (STIs/STDs). In addition to educating teens and adolescents on the signs and symptoms of STIs/STDs, here are 5 points to make sure you cover in your health lessons. And read on for resources that can support your sexual health program! 

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ETR's Statement in Support of Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities
March 17, 2021

ETR's Statement in Support of Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

By ETR Leadership Team | March 17, 2021

As an agency committed to advancing equity, ETR is speaking out against the increase in hate crimes targeting Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). While these recent attacks have drawn national attention, inflammatory rhetoric and disparaging or violent acts against these communities are, unfortunately, nothing new. This surge is the latest in a long and often overlooked history of racist acts inflicted on AAPI individuals, families, and businesses—ranging from subtle, pervasive microaggressions to overt verbal and physical attacks. 

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5 Ways Your Health Education Curriculum Can Support Social and Emotional Learning
March 17, 2021

5 Ways Your Health Education Curriculum Can Support Social and Emotional Learning

By Lauren Ranalli, MPH | March 17, 2021
Director of Marketing and Communications, ETR

As educators, we know that our students’ social and emotional well-being is intricately tied to their academic success. Now with students starting to transition back to the classroom, it feels more important than ever to ensure schools are supporting the social and emotional health of young people in our communities—and we can do that through our health education choices

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9 Behaviors to Understand for Teen Dating Violence Prevention
February 8, 2021

9 Behaviors to Understand for Teen Dating Violence Prevention

By Suzanne Schrag, BA | February 8, 2021
Product Manager/Editor, ETR

Being able to recognize warning signs of unhealthy or abusive relationships and knowing how to access resources for help are critical components of preventing teen dating violence. But there is an additional focus you can include in a lesson to deepen the learning and reach adolescents with more of the knowledge and skills they need to keep themselves safe. 

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The Case for Trauma-Informed Youth Centered Health Design (TIYCHD)
February 1, 2021

The Case for Trauma-Informed Youth Centered Health Design (TIYCHD)

By Laiah Idelson, MSPH & Stephanie Guinosso, PhD, MPH | February 2, 2021
YTH Initiative, ETR

The YTH Initiative at ETR has led the field in Youth-Centered Health Design for the past decade. We recently joined forces with our colleagues at ETR and broader communities to create Trauma-Informed Youth Centered Health Design (TIYCHD), an approach that interweaves trauma-principles into the YCHD approach. Our TIYCHD framework was designed in collaboration with experts in design, trauma and mental health, youth engagement, and public health through a community consultation with twelve participants and expert interviews with forty others.

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2020: Lessons in Unlearning and Learning
December 21, 2020

2020: Lessons in Unlearning and Learning

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 21, 2020
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

In the before time, ETR’s end of year message was usually focused on positive reflections about the year. Well, 2020 has not been a normal year. So it’s fitting that we’ve spent most of this year focused on unlearning. We’ve devoted time and energy into assessing what behaviors and patterns are not useful during a year of constant and unexpected change. We have focused on actively working to unlearn those patterns and behaviors and learn some new ones around scheduling, connection, sustaining racial justice efforts, and prioritizing wellness.

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World AIDS Day Resilience and Impact: Health Equity at the Core
December 1, 2020

World AIDS Day Resilience and Impact: Health Equity at the Core

By Vignetta Charles, PhD | December 1, 2020
Chief Executive Officer, ETR

December 1st marks Worlds AIDS Day and this year’s theme is Resilience and Impact. In ETR’s nearly 40-year history addressing HIV/AIDS, we have been committed partners in the fight to end the epidemic. We have witnessed the resilience of people living with HIV as well as the impact of the work to end HIV — particularly the work that centers the voices of communities most impacted.

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Honoring Contemporary Native Art and Culture for Native American Heritage Month 2020
November 30, 2020

Honoring Contemporary Native Art and Culture for Native American Heritage Month 2020

By Calvin Hedrick, MA | November 30, 2020
TCCC Project Coordinator, ETR

Each November marks the annual Native American Heritage Month — celebrating rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories as well as acknowledging the important contributions of Native people. In honor of this year's Native American Heritage Month, Calvin Hedrick shares a few of his recommendations for significant pieces of contemporary culture and art from Native artists and creatives.

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