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ETR Blog

Check out what our people and partners are researching, thinking, reading, writing, watching and doing! (Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ETR as an agency.)

What's Up, ETR - June 2014
June 23, 2014

What's Up, ETR - June 2014

By ETR | June 23, 2014

Our latest Quarterly Review is now posted and available for viewing if you’d like to see some of the work we’ve been doing over the past few months.

ETR’s incredible research and professional development groups have recently been awarded some exciting grants for projects that can help us understand and implement the best strategies for promoting healthy, fulfilling lives.

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Tags: ETR, Research, NSF, NIH
Thinking Research: Educating Providers About Sexuality
June 20, 2014

Thinking Research: Educating Providers About Sexuality

By Gina Lepore, MEd

Few people realize how little education doctors and other health care providers typically receive about sexual and reproductive health. Because such training is spotty at best, there’s enormous variety in health care providers’ comfort with and knowledge of sexual health and sexual practices. Unfortunately, patients often suffer when provider knowledge and comfort concerning human sexuality are poor.

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Tags: Sexual and reproductive health
Cool Tools: CDC Tools to Address HIV Treatment and Prevention
June 19, 2014

Cool Tools: CDC Tools to Address HIV Treatment and Prevention


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated many of its resources, including several slide sets on epidemiology and the 2014 PrEP Guidelines on pre-exposure prophylaxis. One of our favorites is this page, which breaks HIV transmission risks into numerical calculations. Find out the best estimate for the risk of HIV transmission through needle sticks, vaginal intercourse, blood transfusions and more.

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Amazing Brain Science: Sleep, Adolescents and Risk
June 18, 2014

Amazing Brain Science: Sleep, Adolescents and Risk

By Erin Cassidy-Eagle PhD | June 20, 2014
Previous Director of Research, ETR

While healthy sleep is important at all ages, it’s especially vital during the vulnerable time of adolescence. The challenges adolescents face at baseline, simply through the normal process of human development, are in many cases exactly those exacerbated by poor sleep. It's possible that helping young people achieve better sleep might ameliorate a whole range of other problems and challenges.

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Tags: Sleep, Teens, Neuroscience
Working with Tribal Nations: Breaking Barriers, Building Relationships
June 16, 2014

Working with Tribal Nations: Breaking Barriers, Building Relationships

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA

Have you ever heard, “You can’t work with Native Americans unless you are a Native American”? Not true! Yet we hear it over and over again from those who appoint themselves as the “gatekeepers” of Tribal Nations. California’s Clean Air Project (CCAP) at ETR has been building relationships and providing education and research to Tribal Nations in California since 2006. What we’ve found is that respect is the key.

By Narinder Dhaliwal, MA
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Tags: Tobacco, Second-hand smoke, Tribal nations
School Report - June 2014
June 13, 2014

School Report - June 2014

By John Henry Ledwith

For those who work in a school setting, summer brings a number of specialized tasks designed to prepare teachers, schools and students for the year ahead. If you’ve received or are applying for grants that require HECAT-aligned health education programs, ETR can help you sift through the possibilities and make effective choices.

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Tags: HealthSmart, K-12, HECAT
Facilitation Quick Tips: Pocket Talk
June 12, 2014

Facilitation Quick Tips: Pocket Talk

By Debra Christopher, MSM

If you deliver trainings or presentations, the tips in this ongoing column can help make your trainings more dynamic, engaging and effective. Try them and let us know what you think! This month, learn about using "Pocket Talk" for introductions, team-building or priming participants for the upcoming workshop.

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Training design
A Conversation with Kirby Intern Brittany Nielsen
June 10, 2014

A Conversation with Kirby Intern Brittany Nielsen

By ETR | June 10, 2014

Brittany Nielsen, one of ETR’s Kirby Summer Interns for 2014, obtained her undergraduate degree at University of California, Berkeley, with a double major in molecular and cell biology and religious studies. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Public Health at Brigham Young University, as part of a small program that emphasizes the science and practice of health promotion.

Brittany will be spending the summer working closely with ETR’s research team. She took a few minutes on her first day here to talk with Newsletter Editor Marcia Quackenbush. Here’s a report on their conversation.

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Tags: ETR, Kirby internship, Social determinants of health
My Take: Student Wellness Succeeds
May 20, 2014

My Take: Student Wellness Succeeds

By Jessica Colvin, MSW, MPH, PPSC

When you were in high school did you ever wish you had a safe place to get support? I’m lucky enough to work in a program that allows students to do just that. The Wellness Program helps students access services to support their emotional and physical health, and feel empowered to use those services when they need them. And not just while they’re in school, but beyond school and into their adult lives.

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Tags: School health, High school
Video Picks - May 2014
May 19, 2014

Video Picks - May 2014


It's video time! The power of short-form video reveals the dynamics of teen dating violence. Creativity can give you, and students, a more powerful and fulfilling life. White House Student Film Festival winners rock! 

Check out this month's collection of videos that have intrigued, delighted and challenged us.

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Tags: K-12, Violence prevention, Teens
Amazing Brain Science: Beware Folk Neuroscience
May 15, 2014

Amazing Brain Science: Beware Folk Neuroscience

By Marcia Quackenbush, MS, MFT, MCHES

Have you talked with someone about brain science lately? Media reports on neuroscience have been increasing over the past decade—a good neuroscience study can lead the evening news, and references to brain science are making their way into our everyday conversations. Over this same period, there has been genuine and sometimes spectacular progress in neuroscience, with new discoveries building understanding and treatment options for a range of medical and mental health conditions.

That’s great. But the brain is unfathomably complicated, brain science is complex, and you’ve probably noticed that popular media doesn’t always do justice to complexity. They often miss finer points of the science while emphasizing the sensationalistic. 

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Tags: Neuroscience
Five-Minute Film Festival: Learning About the Brain
May 15, 2014

Five-Minute Film Festival: Learning About the Brain


If you like brain science, you'll love Edutopia's Five-Minute Film Festival: Learning and the Brain. Start with "Seven 'Facts' About the Brain That Are Not True" for some more folk neuroscience. Then watch them all!

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Tags: Neuroscience
Cool Tools: Good Resources to Address Cyberbullying
May 13, 2014

Cool Tools: Good Resources to Address Cyberbullying


An article in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care offers a review of current literature on cyberbullying, including the particular features of this type of bullying, and how it affects victims. It describes the epidemiology (1 in 4 adolescents in the southern U.S. reported being a victim), identifies characteristics that increase risk for being a target, and explains what technologies are used most often. The article also offers an impressive list of resources for gathering more information and helping schools, communities, families and individuals.


Check it out here (may require free registration). >>

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Tags: Bullying
Facilitation Quick Tips: Quotables
May 12, 2014

Facilitation Quick Tips: Quotables

By Debra Christopher, MSM

If you deliver trainings or presentations, the tips in this ongoing column can help make your trainings more dynamic, engaging and effective. "Quotables" is an exercise you can use to introduce a topic, do team-building or invite participants to share something about their own perspectives or experiences.

By Debra Christopher, MSM
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Tags: Training design
My Take: Business Tools Can Help You Promote Health. Really.
April 24, 2014

My Take: Business Tools Can Help You Promote Health. Really.

By Matt McDowell

Quick: what do you think when you hear the words, “We really need to market that health program.” Or how about, “We could sure use some cutting-edge business tools to make this health program stronger.”

If you’re like a lot of people I’ve met in the worlds of public health, health care and nonprofits, you may be recoiling in horror—or at least shaking your head. Here’s what people often tell me about marketing and business tools.

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Tags: Nonprofit marketing
Video Picks - April 2014
April 22, 2014

Video Picks - April 2014


We like the ways videos and media help us see the world differently and think in new ways. Take a look at our favorite videos of the month. Los Angeles County Metro buses give health a chance. Bolthouse Farms offers an interactive musical website that makes healthy food simply glorious. And a guy known as "Menstrual Man" empowers women in rural India to change their lives. Watch and have fun.

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Tags: Nutrition, Chronic disease
Thinking Research: Social Justice, Technology and Meaning
April 17, 2014

Thinking Research: Social Justice, Technology and Meaning

By Yethzell Diaz | April 17, 2014

First, let me be clear about something. I am not a techie. At all. The first time I interacted with a computer was probably in seventh grade. Technology stuff was completely foreign to me. My family and friends didn’t know about it. And there wasn’t someone we could turn to for guidance.

I did, however, become a student at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), majoring in sociology, and at one point I desperately needed to get into a popular class. A hundred students were competing for ten open spots. How was I going to swing it?

By Yethzell Diaz
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Tags: Research, Technology, Social justice
Training Matters: Technical Assistance - Deliver Guidance That Works!
April 15, 2014

Training Matters: Technical Assistance - Deliver Guidance That Works!

By Patricia A. Lauer, PhD

While there are numerous publications and guidance documents on effective training, the literature on effective delivery of technical assistance (TA) is sparse. To address this void, ETR’s Professional Development team recently conducted a focus group of ETR staffers who are experienced TA providers. We also searched the Internet for information on how organizations can provide technical assistance to clients that will result in positive outcomes.

By Patricia A. Lauer, PhD
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Tags: Training design, Professional development, Technical assistance
Cool Tools: Data Tables for Your County About Contraceptive Needs
April 10, 2014

Cool Tools: Data Tables for Your County About Contraceptive Needs


The Guttmacher Institute has a table-maker that offers data on contraceptive needs and services down to the county level. Find out the numbers for your county's publicly funded clinics, women in need of publicly funded services, clients served and more. State data shows up along with each county report you generate.

Check it out here.>> Scroll down for fact sheets, videos and research reports. 

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Tags: Birth control
My Take: Using New Media for Greater Engagement
March 25, 2014

My Take: Using New Media for Greater Engagement

By Jay M. Bernhardt, PhD, MPH | March 25, 2014

There's a revolution in the ways people communicate and it’s affecting every one of us. You’re participating in it right now by reading an article onscreen that probably came to you through email or a web search, rather than reading a printed product that arrived in a paper envelope. The use of new media has transformed our personal lives and the way we work, and it’s also changing the work of state and local health departments.


Communication is a critical foundation of the work that health departments perform every day. To be effective, they need to talk with and listen to their diverse communities and partners in order to engage their constituents on important health issues.


Traditional, or “old media,” still plays an important role in the work of most health departments. They may use press releases, news conferences, interviews, reports, posters and mailings to disseminate their information to various target audiences. But most departments also see that “new media,” including online and mobile resources and social networks, has become an essential part of effective public health.

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Tags: Social media, Health promotion, Technology

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