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SFUSD Young Men's Health Project Evaluation

SFUSD Young Men's Health Project Evaluation


San Francisco Unified School District


John Shields


ETR serves as the program evaluation agency for the San Francisco Unified School District’s (SFUSD) Young Men’s Health Project, which pilots, implements, and evaluates programming for young men of color who have sex with men (YMSM).

The goal of the SFUSD’s Young Men’s Health Project – funded by the CDC's Division of Adolescent and School Health – is to improve the health and safety of young men, increase student participation in comprehensive sexual health education, increase students’ access to and utilization of community based sexual health services, and decrease HIV/STD infections among young men. Since 2013, ETR has worked with SFUSD to grow evaluation capacity and demonstrate the positive effects of YMSM interventions. ETR expanded online service documentation systems to better capture Sexual Health Service provision and referral data and evaluated the implementation and effects of SFUSD's YMSM services and supports.

ETR developed a snapshot of recent results: Support Services for LGBTQ Youth.

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