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Evolve: A National HIV E-learning Training Center



Funding Duration

April 2019 - June 2024



Principal Investigator

Michael Everett 

Project Leads / Primary Contacts

Kate Uslan


ETR was one of 17 organizations awarded a grant under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) new program, PS19-1904: Capacity Building Assistance for High-Impact HIV Prevention Program Integration. The program is designed to support the proposed new federal initiative, Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America, by strengthening the capacity and improving the nation’s HIV prevention workforce.

The Evolve National HIV E-learning Training Center, along with a second grantee, Health HIV, developed and implemented a standardized national e-learning training program to provide capacity building assistance (CBA) for High-Impact HIV Prevention (HIP) programs and to build the knowledge, skills and competencies of HIV prevention staff working in HIP projects across the U.S.

Evolve’s content expertise supports CBA for community-based organizations (CBOs) that work with people who are at a greater risk of contracting HIV/AIDS, and with CBOs working to support people living with HIV/AIDS. The national e-learning training program offers FREE learning opportunities that are asynchronous (self-paced e-learning, instructional videos, resource development, and distribution), and accessible, Section 508-compliant services and materials.  

Here are the courses that ETR developed under the PS19-1904 program: 

Partnership for Health – Medication Adherence 

Addressing Social Determinants of Health 

Status Neutral HIV Services 

Data to Engagement 

Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Services (ARTAS

Peers Reaching Out and Modeling Intervention Strategies (PROMISE)  

Transgender Women Involved in Strategies for Transformation (TWIST)  

A Person-Centered Approach to Comprehensive Services Through Status Neutral Client Assessment, Navigation, and Referral

Building and Strengthening Syringe Services Programs 

Spanish Courses

ARTAS para el manejo de casos basado en las fortalezas

Alianza para la Salud - Adherencia al Tratamiento (ApS-AT) 

Servicios de prevención y cuidado del VIH desde la perspectiva de la seroneutralidad  


To register for these free courses, visit: 

How to access the courses:  

New to CDC TRAIN?  

1. Create a CDC TRAIN account.  

2. Join the HIVCBA Learning Group.  

3. Search for the name of the course you want, OR click one of the courses above  

Already on CDC TRAIN?  

1. Search for the name of the course you want, OR click one of the courses above 


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