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DASH Professional Learning Collaborative (PLC)




Tracy Wright, Debra Christopher


ETR was awarded a 5-year contract to provide training and technical assistance (TTA) support for professional development (PD) and capacity building assistance to DASH-funded State Education Agencies (SEA) and Local Education Agencies (LEA) in order to strengthen the approaches required under the 1308 cooperative agreement. We have named this contract the DASH Professional Learning Collaborative or PLC for short. The PD team at ETR is referred to as the PLC Core Team.

The full PLC is a collaborative effort coordinated by ETR, and includes the PLC Core Team and the six 1308-funded NGOs who provide content support related to the 1308 approaches of Exemplary Sexual Health Education (ESHE), Key Sexual Health Services (SHS), and Safe and Supportive Environments (SSE). See table below for more information. Together we coordinate TTA design and delivery efforts to ensure an efficient and non-duplicative approach to services for the 19 funded SEAs and 17 funded LEAs.

Approach/Topic Supporting SEA Supporting LEA
ESHE Advocates for Youth (Advocates) Healthy Teen Network (HTN)
SHS National Coalition of STD Directors (NCSD) CAI
SSE American Psychological Association (APA) Gay-Straight Alliance Network (GSA Network)

PLC Core Team:

Tracy Wright, Debra Christopher, Jill Elnicki, Kathy Plomer, Teri Baugh, Pam Drake, and Matt Cherry 


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