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AIM 4 Teen Moms

A young white woman holding a baby and looking at the camera.


Family and Youth Services Bureau (subcontract with CHLA)


Pam Drake


ETR served as external evaluator of CHLA’s FYSB-funded adaptation of Project AIM for teen moms from 2010-2017. AIM 4 Teen Moms is an individualized intervention for teen moms age 15-19 with one child between the ages of 1 and 7 months. It includes 7 one-on-one sessions in the teen’s home and 2 group sessions. The evaluation was an individual level randomized controlled trial that included a baseline, 12-month, 24-month, and 36-month survey administered via an audio computer assisted interview (ACASI). ETR successfully recruited 950 teens for participation in the study and followed many of them for over 3 years. The intervention was added to the OAH list of Evidence-Based TPP programs.

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