Karin Coyle
Cheif Science Officer
Karin Coyle, PhD, is the Chief Science Officer at ETR. She specializes in the development and evaluation of health promotion programs, particularly HIV, other STD, and pregnancy prevention programs. Dr. Coyle currently serves as the principal investigator on multiple randomized trials, including a middle school randomized trial that is testing the efficacy of a curriculum and social norms program focusing on adolescent relationships and related sexual behaviors (You-Me-Us), and a replication study of an evidenced-based middle school program entitled It’s Your Game.
Dr. Coyle has served as a principal or co-principal investigator on a number of school-based randomized trials to test the effectiveness of HIV, other STD, and pregnancy prevention programs for youth (e.g., Safer Choices, a school-based intervention to reduce sexual risk-taking behaviors among high school adolescents; Draw the Line, Respect the Line, a culturally appropriate, HIV prevention intervention aimed at middle school youth; All4You!, a multi-component intervention that features behavioral skills development and service learning; and All4You2!, a study to examine the individual and combined effects of behavioral skills and service learning).
She received her PhD from UCLA in Educational Research and Evaluation, and holds a MS and BS in Health Science.
Current Projects
- Training, TA and Evaluation for California Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- Middle School Relationships
- Keep It Real (South Carolina)
- TPP Replication of Evidence-Based It's Your Game
Peterson, A.J., Silver, G.K., Guinosso, S.A., Bell, H.A., & Coyle, K.K. (2020) A protocol for a systematic review or research pertaining to young people’s views on how pornography exposure or use influences their sexual development, attitudes or behaviors. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates. https://www.etr.org/default/assets/File/kirby-summit/KS_Porn_2020_Protocol_Qualitative_3-3-20.pdf
Coyle, K., with Gardner, C., Walker, J., Douglas, J., Williams, V., & Sterner, L. (2011). All4You! Preventing HIV, other STD, and Pregnancy among Young People in Alternative Education Settings. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates.
Coyle, K. (2011). Implications for Adoption and Implementation of Effective Sexual Health Education Programs, Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk: Vol. 2: Iss. 2, Article 16. Available at: http://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/childrenatrisk/vol2/iss2/16
Kirby, D., with Coyle, K., Alton, F., Rolleri, L., & Robin, L. (2011). Reducing Adolescent Sexual Risk: A Theoretical Guide for Developing and Adapting Curriculum-Based Programs. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates.
Potter, S., Schneider, D., Coyle, K., May, G., & Seymour, J. (2011). What works? Process evaluation of a school-based fruit and vegetable distribution program in Mississippi. J Sch Health, 81, 202–211. PMID 21392012
Rasberry, C., Lee, S., Robin, L., Laris, BA, Russell, L., Coyle, K., Nisher, A. (2011). The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance: A systematic review of the literature. Preventive Medicine, 52(Suppl 1), S10-20.
Kirby, D., Coyle, K., & et al, (2010).Reducing adolescent sexual risk: A Theoretical Guide for Developing and Adapting Curriculum-Based Programs. Atlanta, GA: CDC-Division on Adolescent School Health.
Coyle, K., Potter, S., & et al, (2009). Distributing free fresh fruit and vegetables at school: Results of a pilot outcome evaluation.Public Health Reports, 124, 660-669.
Denner, J., & Coyle, K. (2007). Condom use among sexually active Latina girls in alternative high schools. In B. Leadbeater, & N. Way (Eds.), Urban Girls Revisited. New York: New York University Press.
Marin, B., Coyle, K., Gardner, C., & Cummings, J. (2007).Implementation of a program to postpone sexual involvement in young adolescents. Pearson Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1987).
Marin, B., Coyle, K., Gardner, C., & Cummings, J. (2007). Implementation of a program to postpone sexual involvement in young adolescents. In A. Blanco, & J. Marin (Eds.), Intervencion Psisocial. Pearson Prentice Hall.
Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Robin, L., Banspach, S., Baumler, E., & Glassman, J. (2006). All4You! A randomized trial of an HIV, other STD, and pregnancy prevention intervention for alternative school students.AIDS Education & Prevention, 18(3), 187-203.
Marin, B., Kirby, D., Hudes, E., Coyle, K., & Gomez, C. (2006). Boyfriends, girlfriends, and teenagers' risk of sexual involvement.Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 38(2), 76-83.
Denner, J., Coyle, K., Robin, L., & Banspach, S. (2005). Integrating service learning into a health risk reduction curriculum: A qualitative anaylsis of an alternative high school setting.Journal of School Health, 75(5), 151-156.
Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Marin, B., Gomez, C., & Gregorich, S. (2004). Draw the Line/Respect the Line: A randomized trial of a middle school intervention to reduce sexual risk behaviors.American Journal of Public Health, 94(5), 843-851.
Kirby, D., Baumler, E., Coyle, K., Basen-Enquist, K., Parcel, G., Harrist, R., et al. (2004, December). The "Safer Choices" intervention: Its impact on the sexual behaviors of different subgroups of high school students.Journal of Adolescent Health, 35(6), 442-452.
Markham, C., Basen-Enquist, K., Coyle, K., Addy, R., & Parcel, G. (2004). Safer Choices, a School-Based HIV, STD, and Pregnancy Prevention Program for Adolescents: Process Evaluation Issues Related to Curriculum Implementation. In A. Steckler, & L. Linnan (Eds.), Process Evaluation for Public Health Interventions and Research. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Gomez, C., Coyle, K., Gregorich, S., Marin, B., & Kirby, D. (2003). The Development of Sex-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and Behaviors in a Longitudinal Cohort of Middle School Children. In 14 and Younger: The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
Marin, B., Kirby, D., Hudes, E., Gomez, C., & Coyle, K. (2003). Youth with older boyfriends and girlfriends: Associations with sexual risk. In B. Albert, S. Brown, & C. Flanigan (Eds.), 14 and Younger: The Sexual Behavior of Young Adolescents. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
Carvajal, S., Hanson, C., Romero, A., & Coyle, K. (2002). Behavioral Risk Factors and Protective Factors in Adolescents: A Comparison of Latinos and Non-Latino Whites.Ethnicity and Health, 7(3), 181-193.
Coyle, K., Marin, B., Gardner, C., Cummings, J., Gomez, C., & Kirby, D. (2002).Draw the Line/Respect the Line: Setting limits to prevent HIV, STD and pregnancy. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates.
Basen-Enquist, K., Coyle, K., Parcel, G., Kirby, D., Banspach, S., & Baumler, E. (2001). Schoolwide effects of a multicomponent HIV, STD and pregnancy prevention program for high school students.Health Education and Behavior, 28(2), 166-185.
Coyle, K., Basen-Enquist, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Banspach, S., Collins, J., et al. (2001). Safer Choices: Reducing Teen Pregnancy, HIV and STDs.Public Health Reports, Supp. 1(116), 82-93.
Denner, J., Kirby, D., & Coyle, K. (2001). How communities can promote positive youth development: Response from 49 professionals.Community Youth Development, 1(3), 31-35.
Denner, J., Kirby, D., Coyle, K., & Brindis, C. (2001). The protective role of social capital and cultural norms in Latino communities: A study of adolescent births.Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 23(1), 3-21.
Denner, J., Kirby, D., Coyle, K., & Brindis, C. (2001). The protective role of social capital and cultural norms in Latino communities: A study of adolescent births.The Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 23(1), 3-21.
Fetro, J., Coyle, K., & Pham, P. (2001). Health risk behaviors among middle school students in a large majority-minority school district.Journal of School Health, 71(1), 30-37.
Kirby, D., Coyle, K., & Gould, J. (2001). Manifestations of poverty and birthrates among young teenagers in California Zip code areas.Family Planning Perspectives, 33(2), 63-69.
Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Marin, B., Gomez, C., & Gregorich, S. (2000).Effect of Draw the Line/Respect the Line on sexual behavior in middle schools. Unpublished briefing paper..
Kirby, D., Denner, J., & Coyle, K. (2000).Building the ideal community or youth program: An expert panel rates the key characteristics for reducing teen pregnancy. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.
Marin, B., Coyle, K., Gomez, C., & Kirby, D. (2000). Older boyfriends and girlfriends increase risk of sexual initiation in young adolescents.Journal of Adolescent Health, 27(6), 409-418.
Wang, L., Quackenbush, M., Robin, L., Collins, J., Coyle, K., & Baumler, E. (2000). Economic evaluation of Safer Choices: A school-based human immunodeficiency virus, other sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy prevention program.Archives of Pediatric Medicine, 154, 1017-1024.
Basen-Enquist, K., Masse, L., Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Banspach, S., et al. (1999). Validity of scales measuring the psychosocial determinants of HIV/STD related risk behavior in adolescents.Health Education Research, 14(1), 25-38.
Carvajal, S., Parcel, G., Basen-Enquist, K., Banspach, S., Coyle, K., Kirby, D., et al. (1999). Psychosocial predictors of delay of first sexual intercourse of adolescents.Health Psychology, 18(5), 1-10.
Coyle, K., Basen-Enquist, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Banspach, S., Harrist, R., et al. (1999). Short-term impact of Safer Choices: A multi-component school-based HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention program.Journal of School Health, 69(5), 181-188.
Basen-Enquist, K., Masse, L., Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Banspach, S., Nodora, J., et al. (1998). Sexual risk behavior, belief, and self-efficacy scales. In M. Quackenbush, W. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Scheer, & S. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of Sexuality-Related Measures. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Basen-Enquist, K., Parcel, G., Kirby, D., Coyle, K., Banspach, S., & Rugg, D. (1998). The Safer Choices Project: Methodological issues in school-based health promotion intervention research.Journal of School Health, 67(9), 365-371.
Coyle, K. (1998).Safer Choices: Preventing HIV, other STD, and pregnancy. Peer Leader Training Guide. Developed as part of a contract from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (contract #200-91-0938). Santa Cruz, CA: ETR Associates.
Coyle, K., & Fetro, J. (1998).Safer Choices: Preventing HIV, other STD, and pregnancy. Level 2. Developed as part of a contract from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (contract #200-91-0938). Santa Cruz, CA: ETR Associates.
Fetro, J., Barth, R., & Coyle, K. (1998).Safer Choices: Preventing HIV, other STD, and pregnancy. Level 1. Developed as part of a contract from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (contract #200-91-0938). Santa Cruz, CA: ETR Associates.
Basen-Enquist, K., Parcel, G., Harrist, R., Kirby, D., Coyle, K., & Banspach, S. (1997). The Safer Choices Project: Methodological Issues in School-Based Health Promotion Intervention Research: The Safer Choices Project.Journal of School Health, 67(9), 365-371.
Basen-Enquist, K., Parcel, G., Harrist, R., Kirby, D., Coyle, K., Banspach, S., et al. (1997). Methodological issues in school-based health promotion intervention research: The Safer Choices Project.Journal of School Health, 67(9), 365-371.
Kirby, D., & Coyle, K. (1997). School-based programs to reduce sexual risk-taking behavior.Children and Youth Services Review, 19(5/6), 415-436.
Kirby, D., & Coyle, K. (1997). Youth Development Programs.Children and Youth Services Review, 19(5/6), 437-454.
Unti, L., Coyle, K., Woodruff, B., & Boyer-Chuanroong, L. (1997). Incentives and motivators in school-based hepatitis B vaccination programs.Journal of School Health, 67(7), 265-268.
Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Basen-Enquist, K., Banspach, S., Rugg, D., et al. (1996). A multi-component school-based HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention program for adolescents.Journal of School Health, 66(3), 89-94.
Coyle, K., Kirby, D., Parcel, G., Basen-Enquist, K., Banspach, S., Rugg, D., et al. (1996). Safer Choices: A multi-component school-based HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention program for adolescents.Journal of School Health, 66(3), 89-94.
Woodruff, B., Unti, L., Coyle, K., & Boyer-Chuanroong, L. (1996). Parents attitudes toward school-based hepatitis B vaccination of their children.Pediatrics, 98(3).
Coyle, K., & Unti, L. (1995). Evaluation. In L. Boyer-Chuanroong (Ed.), Roll Up Your Sleeves! Implementing a Hepatitis B Vaccination Program in Schools. Kent, OH: American School Health Association (ASHA).
Coyle, K., & Basen-Enquist, K. (1994). Key elements in HIV Prevention Programs. In M. Quackenbush, K. Clark, & M. Nelson (Eds.), The HIV Challenge, 2nd Edition. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates.
Kirby, D., & Coyle, K. (1994). Changing Risk-taking behavior: Preliminary Conclusion from Research. In K. Clark (Ed.), The Sexuality Education Challenge. Scotts Valley, CA: ETR Associates.
Smith-Majer, L., Santelli, J., & Coyle, K. (1992). Adolescent reproductive health: Roles for school personnel in prevention and early intervention.Journal of School Health, 62(7), 294-2925.