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Frequently Asked Questions

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1.  What is Tune In! Turn On! Turn Up! (3T) Study?

A:  It is an evaluation study to test the effectiveness of a new sexual health app focused on HIV prevention and healthy relationships called 3T. Participants in the study will be randomly assigned to use the 3T sexual health education app or a general health app and take surveys before and after using the apps. The 3T app is a sex-positive, pleasure-focused HIV prevention mobile app.

2:  Who can be involved in the 3T study? Who is eligible?

A:  3T is specifically for 14-17-year-old Black, African American, or biracial Black/African American males. Youth must self-identify as gay, bisexual, fluid, or sexually attracted to men, though they do not need to be “out” to anyone in particular. They must own a smartphone with a data plan and live in the US.

3.  How is 3T funded?

A:  This project is funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.

4.  Who created 3T?

A:  3T was developed by dfusion Inc, a small business that uses technology to create programs to improve people’s health. The evaluation of 3T will be conducted by ETR a non-profit health education and research company. Both companies used youth advisors and content experts to support development. They also had youth try out the app and give feedback to make it better.

5.  Who is doing the evaluation?

A:  The evaluation is being done by ETR. ETR is a non-profit health education and research company with many years of experience developing health education programs and doing studies with youth.

6.  Do participants need parental consent?

A:  No, participants do not need parental permission to sign up. Young men will be asked to complete an assent process where they learn about the study, what it involves, and the potential risks. Participants will have access to a participate advocate to help them make decisions about whether participation is right for them. Youth will complete a form indicating their desire to take part or not.

7.  What does the study involve for participants?

A:  Participants would be asked to fill out a brief survey online to determine if they are eligible to take part. If eligible, they would be invited to join the study by completing an assent form. Then they will either record a short video of them stating what you understand about the study or they will Zoom with a participant advocate. After that, participants would fill out an online survey that asks about their background, like age, race, gender identity, and sexual orientation. It will also include questions about health-related knowledge, attitudes and sexual behavior. Youth will then be given access to a mobile phone app and will be asked to use it over a 3-month period. The app will either be the 3T sexual health app or a general health app. After using the app, they will be asked to complete the online survey 2 more times (once 3 months after they finish with the app and once 6 months after they finish with the app).

8.  Can we see the app and the survey before we decide to support recruitment?

A:  If you have questions about the app or of the survey, please call Mia Barrett at 831-438-4060 Ext: 108. We are happy to set up a time to review elements of the app or survey and answer any questions before you decide to support the study.

9.  What would my organization be asked to do to help with recruitment?

A:  We need your help connecting with 14-17 year old black gay or bi youth. We are asking organizations to post fliers and share information about the study on social media. We would provide your organization with a downloadable recruitment kit and social media kit to provide materials to display in your organizations and to post to your social media feeds. We can also mail you recruitment fliers to post in your organization if you prefer. For youths’ protection, you will see that the recruitment materials focus on black males ages 14-17 and do not emphasize sexual attraction. This is intentional so we do not expose youth who are not out. The screening survey would ask youth a question about sexual orientation.

10.  Will we be compensated for our time and energy spent recruiting?

A:  A stipend of $250 is offered for those organizations dedicated to recruiting eligible youth.

11.  When would my organization receive the stipend?

A:  ETR will provide organizations with half their stipends once they sign an MOU to recruit. You will receive the other half of the stipend at the end of your recruitment period.

12.  Do youth who take part in the study get any incentives?

A:  Yes. Participants get e-gift cards immediately after taking each of the study surveys (at baseline and then again 3-months and 6-months after using the app). The surveys are sent to youth via text or email.

13.  Can participants invite their friends?

A:  Absolutely! We will even give them an incentive for connecting us with any eligible youth. Participants will be provided with digital coupons to share with up to three of their friends. Youth will receive a $15.00 e-gift card for each of the three friends who is eligible and considers joining.

14.  How long would our organization be asked to recruit youth for this study?

A:  Organizations would be asked to start recruiting in August 2020 and recruit for 6 months.

15.  How will dfusion and ETR protect the youth who participate in 3T?

A:  Youth will be assigned a participant number. No names will be used on the survey and we will not share the names of individuals agreeing to take part in the study. Youth will get text message or email reminders for the survey and the app. Youth will be asked where they want these reminders sent. The information they enter on the app will not be shared with anyone outside the study. The app data is encrypted and housed on a secure HIPPA compliant cloud-based server. Study staff and subject matter experts monitor discussions and are available to answer questions within the 3T forum. To protect the participants’ privacy, the 3T app and forum is only accessible by other eligible participants and study staff. The icon for the app is discrete so that it not easily identifiable as a sexual health app.

16.  Who do I contact with questions?

A: With questions about the project contact Mia Barrett at 831-438-4060 Ext: 108 or at

17.  What do we do if we want to help recruit?

A:  Contact Mia Barrett at 831-438-4060 Ext: 108 or at and we will prepare an MOU for your signature. Once we get that back we will send you recruitment materials and half of your stipend.

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