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About the 3T Research Project

About the 3T Research Project

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Download the 3T FAQ (PDF)

3T shares sexual health and healthy relationship information with black gay teenage guys right from their phone. We are looking for organizations to help recruit youth to take part in a study to test this new app.

3T App on iPhone3T is an innovative educational app that empowers young black gay teens by providing a multimedia, interactive, sex-positive HIV intervention designed specifically for them. With a focus on healthy relationships and pleasure, 3T comprehensive, medically-accurate, and scientifically grounded.

Not Your Typical Sex Ed

The 3T app includes content-based activities, peer stories, interactive games and a forum system.  The 3T intervention approaches HIV prevention through healthy relationships and inclusion of sex-positive content designed to enhance the Participants’ sexual experiences. Funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, it is designed for use by participants between the ages of 14-17 who identify as Black, African American or Biracial Black, and as gay, bisexual, queer, or same-sex-attracted.

Through work with pilot groups and youth advisory boards, 3T address the concerns and issues facing black gay teens.

What’s the Study Involve?

The study will involve testing the 3T app to see if it has an impact on knowledge, attitudes, and some behaviors. We are looking for youth who are male (birth sex=male), 14-17 years old, Black/African American, and who identify as gay, bisexual or attracted to men. As a part of the eligibility screening and assent process, young people will either record a brief video of themselves stating what the study is about or will connect with a Participant Advocate over Zoom. As part of the study, eligible youth will be invited to take part in three surveys (one before using an app and two afterwards) and will be asked to use an app during a 3-month time period after the first survey. Youth would be randomly assigned to use either the 3T app or a general health app. All activities are online, and youth would access them through their phones.

Participants will be compensated for their time filling out the surveys. They receive $20 for the first survey (baseline), $40 for the first follow-up survey, which would happen three months after using the app, and $60 for the last survey, which would be six-months after using the app.

Participants can refer up to three friends are eligible and think about joining the study and will receive incentives ($15.00/friend) for those who follow-up and complete the screening.

Who is Doing the Study?

dfusion, a small business that uses technology to create programs to improve people’s health, and ETR, a non-profit health education and research company are doing the study.  ETR and dfusion have many years of experience developing health education programs and doing studies with youth.  This project is funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.

What are the Benefits of 3T for the Organizations who Help Recruit?

By participating, organizations will support the development of an educational tool for young Black teen males who are attracted to males. Agencies who commit to recruiting participants will receive a stipend of $250 for their efforts.

What Would We Be Asked to Do to Support Recruitment?

The 3T study plans to enroll 300 youth participants.  Participating organizations would be asked to promote 3T to members of their organization who may be eligible and interested by distributing flyers or posting them around the agency and by posting the link to study information through their organizations’ social media. 

Do Youth Have to Have Special Consent?

No. To protect youths’ privacy and safety, they can make their own decisions to take part. They do not have to get their parents’ permission to take the surveys or use the app, and we will not share information about this study with their parents. It is their choice whether to share any information about this study with their parents, including the gift cards for taking part. Eligible youth will be asked to sign an assent form giving their permission to be in the study. They will restate their assent and understanding of the project via a recorded video or conversation on Zoom with a participant advocate. Recorded videos will be stored on a secure site until they are deleted at the end of the study. The videos will only be viewed by study staff. Participants will also have access to a youth advocate to ask questions before deciding if they want to join.

How Do We Get Materials to Promote the Study?

Want to promote 3T at your agency? Let us know and we will send you recruitment flyers and example social media posts. Contact Mia Barrett at 831-438-4060 Ext: 108 or email at to request flyers or for more information about the study, recruitment, or the app.

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